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Occupational Medicine

Occupational Medicine - WPMC

At West Point Medical Center, we specialize in occupational medicine, a subspecialty of preventive medicine dedicated to the health, safety, and performance of workers. Our occupational health specialists are here to provide exceptional medical care to employees with work-related injuries and illnesses. We work closely with employees, regulators, and insurers to develop and maintain safer workplaces. This collaborative effort ensures that employees can perform their duties in environments that prioritize their well-being. Our focus at West Point Medical Center is on creating a healthier, safer work environment for all.

Services Offered at West Point Medical Center

  • Work-related injury care
  • Illness diagnosis and treatment
  • Pre-employment physical exams
  • Drug and alcohol testing
  • Immunizations and vaccinations
  • Health and safety training
  • Ergonomic assessments
  • Disability evaluations
  • Fitness for duty evaluations
  • Respirator fit testing
  • Hearing conservation programs
  • Workplace hazard assessments
  • Medical surveillance programs
  • Travel health consultations
  • Employee wellness programs

Preventive Health Programs

  • Regular health screenings
  • Health education workshops
  • Wellness initiatives (fitness challenges, healthy eating promotions)
  • Accessible healthcare services
  • Workplace safety protocols and training
  • Ergonomic assessments
  • Mental health support resources
  • Smoking cessation programs